Teaching Interests
Management; International Management; International Business; Strategic Management; International Marketing; Asian Business Environment; Technology and Innovation Management
Courses Taught
International Business (hybrid and traditional undergraduate and MBA); Business Policy and Strategy (undergraduate); International Marketing (undergraduate); Asian Business Environment (online, hybrid, and traditional undergraduate)
Academic Service - Editorial Board and Reviewer
Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development
International Journal of Emerging Markets
Journal of Knowledge Management Studies
Economics of Innovation and New Technology
Global Business Review
International Journal of Technology Management
Journal of IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
Editorial Board Member of Global Economy Review: A Monthly Journal
Growth and Change: A Journal of Urban and Regional Policy
Journal of International Business Studies
Global Strategy Journal
Research Policy
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management
Asian Business and Management
Journal of International Management
Journal of Asia Pacific Business
Management and Organization Review
Asia Pacific Journal of Management
Annual Conference of Academy of Management (AOM)
Annual Conference of Academy of International Business (AIB)
Professional Associations
Academy of Management (AOM)
Academy of International Business (AIB)
The Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CPAs)
Grants and Awards
2019/20 Chancellor's Grant, Penn State Abington
2018/19 Faculty Internal Grant, Penn State Abington
2014/15 & 2015/16 Faculty-on-Campus Research Grant, St. Mary’s University
2014 Distinguished Faculty Award, St. Mary’s University Alumni Association
2013 Alumni Research Award, Rutgers Business School, Rutgers University
2013 Outstanding Faculty Research Award, Greehey School of Business, St. Mary’s University
2011 AIB Annual Conference Best Reviewer Award, Academy of International Business (AIB)
2008 AIB Annual Conference Administration Award, Academy of International Business (AIB)
Industry Experience
2004 – 2005, German B.Braun Medical Co., Ltd. Suzhou, China
1996 – 2002, Jiangsu Jincheng Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. Nanjing, China
Research Interests
Technological Innovation of Multinational Corporations; Knowledge Management Strategies; Patenting Behavior of Firms; Intellectual Property Right Management; Emerging Markets; Foreign Direct Investment; Entry Mode Choice
Refereed Journal Publications
Zhang, F. (forthcoming). Globalization or Regionalization of Technological Knowledge Learning Activities in Multinational Corporations. International Journal of Technology Management.
Zhang, F. 2022. Technological Knowledge Access and Transfer of Multinational Corporations from Emerging Economies: A Comparison Study. Chinese Management Studies.16(1) 26-44.
Zhang, F. 2021. Patent Citation-based Knowledge Inflow Measures: The Case of Emerging Economy Multinational Corporations. Thunderbirds International Business Review. 63(5) 651-660.
Zhang, F. 2021. EMNC Technological Competence Creation: Key Mechanisms and Innovative Performance. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 16(8) 1840-1865.
Zhang, F. 2021. Strategically Accessing External Technological Knowledge: The Case of Foreign Subsidiaries in China. Global Business Review, 22(3) 571-587.
Jiang, G., Kotabe, M., Zhang, F. 2020. Founder Ethnic Composition, Early Internationalization, and New Venture Performance. Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 18(4) 419-443.
Jiang, G., Kotabe, M., Zhang, F., Wang, C., & Paul, J. 2020. The Determinants and Performance of Early-Internationalizing Firms: A Literature Review and Research Agenda. International Business Review. 29(4).
Zhang, F. 2020. EMNC Technological Knowledge Flow Patterns: An Overview of the U.S. Patents Granted. Multinational Business Review, 28(1). 129-155.
Zhang, F., Jiang, G., Cantwell, J. 2019. Geographically Dispersed Technological Capability Building and MNC Innovative Performance: The Role of Intra-firm Flows of Newly Absorbed Knowledge. Journal of International Management, 25(3).
Zhang, F., & Jiang, G. 2019. Generating ‘Hard to Imitate’ Technologies Through Combining Complementary Technological Knowledge Categories. Journal of Information and Knowledge Management. 18(2).
Zhang, F., Jiang, G., & Xu, H. (Penn State undergraduate student) 2019. The Strategic Choices of Multidimensional Exploration and Performance. Journal of Strategic and International Studies, XIV(1). 40-46.
Zhang, F., and Jiang, G. 2018. Patenting Choices for Valuable Subsidiary Inventions Created in an Uncertain and Fast Changing Environment. Journal of Asia Business Studies, 12(4). 441-454.
Zhang, F., Jiang, G., and He, X. 2018. Patent Citations and Value: Through the Lens of a Social Network Approach. International Journal of Management and Network Economics, 4(2). 115-143.
Zhang, F. 2016. The Evolution of National Innovation System and Globalization: An Open Innovation Perspective. Economics & Business Journal: Inquiries & Perspectives, 7, 1-20.
Zhang, F., Jiang, G., and Cantwell, J. A. 2015. Subsidiary Exploration and the Innovative Performance of Large Multinational Corporations. International Business Review, 24(2), 224-234.
Zhang, F., Cantwell, J. A., and Jiang, G. 2014. The Competence Creation of Recently Formed Subsidiaries in Networked Multinational Corporations: Comparing Subsidiaries in China and Subsidiaries in Industrialized Countries. Asian Business and Management, 13(1), 5-41.
Jiang, G., Zhang, F., and Huang, S. (2014). The Determinants of Business Start-up Activities Across Different Countries: A Systematic Approach. Business and Management Quarterly Review, 5(1), 30-39.
Zhang, F., Cantwell, J. A. 2013. Regional and Global Technological Knowledge Search Strategies and the Innovative Performance of Large Multinational Corporations. Industry and Innovation, 20(7), 637-660.
Cantwell, J. and Zhang, F. 2013. Do Foreign-Owned Subsidiaries in China Follow a Distinctive Pattern of Technological Knowledge Sourcing? Management and Organization Review, Special Issue on Knowledge Search, Spillovers, and Creation in Emerging Markets, 9(3), 489-512 (authors in alphabetic order).
Zhang, F. and Jiang, G. 2013. Subsidiary Non-Localized Search and MNC Performance: The Role of Subsidiary Intra-firm Knowledge Outflows. International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning, 9(3), 212-231.
Zhang, F. and Jiang, G. 2013. Determining Critical Factors of Location Choice of Cross-border Merger and Acquisition: The Case of Chinese Firms. Business and Management Quarterly Review, 4(2), 1-11.
Cantwell J. and Zhang, F. 2011. Technological Complexity and the Evolving Structure of MNC Subsidiary Knowledge Accumulation. Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 38(4), 5-33.
Dunning, J. and Zhang, F. 2008. Foreign Direct Investment and the Locational Competitiveness of Countries. Transnational Corporations, 17(3): 1-30.
Book Chapters
Cantwell, J. and Zhang, F. 2012. Knowledge Accession Strategies and the Spatial Organization of R&D. In M. Andersson and B. Johansson (eds.) Firms, Innovation and Growth. Oxford University Press: Oxford.
Zhang, F. and Pearce, R. 2012. The Growth and Strategic Orientation of Multinationals’ R&D in China. In Robert Pearce (ed.) China and the Multinationals: International Business and the Entry of China into the Global Economy. Edward Elgar, London.
Zhang, F. 2012. Capability Development of Foreign-Owned Subsidiaries in China During Their Early Evolution. In Robert Pearce (ed.) China and the Multinationals: International Business and the Entry of China into the Global Economy. Edward Elgar, London.
Recent Conference Presentations
Zhang, F. (panelist) 2023. Summary of the History of International Business Project, Phase II. Academy of International Business 2023 Annual Conference, Warsaw, Poland. July 6-9, 2023.
Zhang, F. 2023. Ambidexterity and the Distribution of Organizational Learning Activities: A Conceptual Framework. Academy of International Business 2023 Annual Conference, Warsaw, Poland. July 6-9, 2023.
Zhang, F. 2022. Globalization or Regionalization of Technological Knowledge Learning in Multinational Corporations. Academy of International Business 2022 Annual Conference, Miami, USA. July 6-9, 2022.
Zhang, F. 2022. Multidimensional Exploration and the Knowledge Advantage of Multinational Corporations. Academy of International Business (UK & Ireland Chapter) / 8th Reading IB Conference, The University of Reading, Reading, UK. April 9-10, 2022.
Zhang, F., and Gill, M. (PSU Abington undergraduate student). 2021. Regionalization or Globalization: The Intra-Firm Distribution of Organizational Learning Activities. Academy of International Business US-Northeast 2021 Conference, Sacred Heart University, Connecticut, USA, October 15-16, 2021.
Zhang, F. 2020. Examiner Added Citations and the Validity of US Patent Data in Studying EMNC Knowledge Flow. 2020 Annual Conference of Academy of Management (AOM), August 7-11, 2020, Virtual.
Zhang, F., Jiang, G., and Cantwell, J. 2019. The Technological Competence Creation of EMNCs: Key Mechanisms and Innovative Performance. 2019 Annual Conference of Academy of Management (AOM), August 9-13, 2019, Boston, US
Zhang, F., and Jiang, G. 2019. Technological Competence Creation of EMNCs – The External and Internal Embeddedness of Overseas Subsidiaries. 2019 Annual Conference of Academy of International Business, June 24-27, Copenhagen, Denmark
Zhang, F. and Jiang, G., and Cantwell, J. 2019. The Technological Competence Creation Patterns of EMNC Parent and Overseas Subsidiaries. 2019 Annual Conference of Academy of International Business, June 24-27, Copenhagen, Denmark
Zhang, F., Jiang, G. and Xu, H. (PSU Abington undergraduate student). 2019. The Strategic Choices of Multidimensional Exploration and MNC Performance, International Conference of International Association of Applied Business Research, Jan 4-7, 2019, Key West, USA
Zhang, F., Jiang, G. and Wang, C. (PSU Abington undergraduate student). 2018. Technological Competence Creation of EMNCs and Performance: Empirical Justification of EMNC Theories, Asia-Pacific Conference on Social Sciences and Management, May 22-24, 2018, Shanghai, China
Ph D, International Business, Rutgers University